I think this camera app really does, literally, put a rose tinted glow on recording life and having just turned 44, that is something I need around here.
I bought these beauties in Aldi for £2 a bunch.
Now depending on how you view this they are either a bargain or a waste of money because they didn’t all open.
I found that to be a beneficial side effect of their super cheapness though because instead of racing Mother Nature and watching petals unfurl right in front of my paintbrush, they stayed still in the exact same position as they were set up in. Win, win situation – bargain price and co-operative with it .
Peonies are hard to capture though – a bit like trying to paint bubbles, fairy dust or candy floss. They ruffle like a petticoat and undulate in the palest and most subtle colour variations. I kind of wished that my painting style was more emotionally expressive so I could just feel them and capture all that fluff with wild brushstrokes.
But I learnt a long time ago that my style of painting is the only style I have that’s true to me and I couldn’t change the way I paint anymore than I could alter the tone of my voice or my finger prints. I might however alter my shopping habits and ‘go Aldi’ (as the young folk say) more often in search of flowers to paint.